As a young attorney you are trying to figure out how to juggle many new things, one specific tricky skill is the art of negotiation. First you need to find out your clients goals and how much authority you have. One major thing to remember is that every case is different and each clients expectations are different. Some steps are: find out what your client wants and then find out their goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Another tricky skill for young litigators is negotiation. The first step of successful negotiation is simple, figure out your client’s goals and how much settlement authority you have.
  • Every case is different—the facts, the client, and what the client wants. Some clients want money. Some clients want an intangible.
  • Lawyers decide on strategy. Clients decide on settlement. Never forget that. If you have not been given settlement authority, your client has to make the final decision, not you.

“Before taking any action on your client’s behalf, spend time figuring out what they want. First, if your state has adopted Model Rule 1.2 or has a substantially similar ethics rule, you are required to do so.”