Affordable Care Act confusion strikes again! Has your company received the New ACA Marketplace Notice? If so you could find yourself paying penalties to the IRS. There may be circumstances under which an employer can appeal to the Marketplace. Before just paying up check to see if you are actually someone who needs to pay this penality.

Key Takeaways:

  • The employer shared responsibility penalties that may be imposed under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are substantial
  • An employer may file an appeal to the Marketplace if the employer believes a mistake has been made about an employee’s eligibility for APTC.
  • For 2016, an employer of 50 or more full-time equivalent employees is considered an ALE subject to the ACA’s employer shared responsibility penalties.

“The notice will explain that, with respect to a certain year or period, the employee has been determined to be eligible for advance payments of premium tax credit or cost-sharing reductions (collectively, APTC) to help the employee pay for Marketplace coverage, and that the employee has enrolled in coverage through the Marketplace.”