A recent Supreme Court Ruling has opened the doors for healthcare providers and offices to be held liable for any and all false claims submitted. False Claims submitted to the Federal Government for payment will now risk heavy fines. The Courts decision cited a case, which they are sure was just one of many, where several unlicensed and qualified medical professionals diagnosed and prescribed medication for a teenager which later died from their decisions. This decision will certainly make healthcare providers think twice about submitting false claims.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Court lays out strict standards for imposing liability under the doctrine. 
  • The False Claims Act (FCA) is the primary vehicle for the federal government to recoup losses suffered through fraud.
  • The FCA doctrine of implied false certification goes one step further and treats a bill submitted to the government as an implicit assurance that that the bill is a lawful claim for payment.

“The False Claims Act (FCA) is the primary vehicle for the federal government to recoup losses suffered through fraud.”
